dear devin,

I wanted to write you a quick note to remind you of some of the things going on in your heart and mind on your 5th birthday, as well as some of your favorite things...

Anyone who knows you knows that God has given you a mind for knowledge. At the moment, your mind needs to make up words in order to try to express all of the things brimming from that head of yours. An example is this: (while expressing your amazement regarding gravity) "I just can't believe it! It's undylating! There is this force that rezedens everything in outer space so that all of the planets can be pulled in the right place". (= I love your big words. Soon enough yours will be words I have to look up in order to understand...
This last week as we were all driving home, you must have been contemplating what it means to grow older. In a distressed tone, you asked, "Is there any way to stop my brain from growing?" It was complete with your squinty worried face and your hands clenched at the sides of your head. When we started trying to give you an answer, you immediately interjected with, "No, I just really want to be an astronaut when I grow up. Do you think God will still let me be an astronaut? I don't want to change my mind." Once again, over our smiles, we started to explain that God has given you gifts and passions to serve Him with. The final interjection came quickly as a sense of peacefulness

You are still the biggest goof ball ever, and we love to laugh with you. You love to tell jokes and be the life of every party. This is a picture of you dressing up in your Grandpa's hat and glasses and making everyone laugh. Your newest thing is to talk in different accents and pretend you are someone else. You and your dad love to be silly together. You fill our lives with joy.

I believe that God is teaching you more and more each day to put others above yourself. Though this is hard for all of us, I am seeing you realize and reference things that you are aware of without having to be reminded. Recently, you were challenged to raise enough money to feed almost 200 children a meal. You were very encouraged at first, but lost a bit of steam after a while. Just a week ago, you thought of it yourself again, and now only have $1.50 left to go! You are also very passionate about your "best buddies". They all love you in return, and you are learning what it means to be a friend.

Lastly, you are an incredible big brother. J loves you so very much, and follows you everywhere day in and day out. You have always been his protector and I cannot remember a single time you have fought with him. You have taught him so much of what he knows, and I know that he would tell you how much he loves you if he could. Instead, though, he shows you every day. Or, in his words, "I uff ooo too!"
I know that God is smiling and delighting in your special day today along with daddy & me, J, your grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and friends. You have brought such an amazing light into this world, and I am so proud to be your mom. Happy Birthday love...