la vida es bella

"Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already been made perfect, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me...I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus." Phillippians 3:12-14

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Location: Twin Cities Metro, Minnesota, United States

Monday, December 26, 2005

twas the day after

Why is it that every time I go to Target, I am consistently reminded of the depravity of the human condition? As if the gifts aren't enough, there seem to be more people hoarding the mass quantity of sale items than there were the week before; a time in which we make excuses to spend inexcusable amounts of money on people who need nothing but love. I heard a statistic today that the biggest week for redeeming gift cards is this week - the week between Christmas and New Years. It is also retailers biggest week in returns. So not only do we need more, but what we are gifted is not good enough. Are we so immersed in the 'kingdom of thingdom' that redemption has become more so the condition of converting something into cash or value vs. salvation of sin through Jesus' sacrifice?

All this being said, again, it is still one of my top 5 stores, so I am obviously a depraved individual myself on some level. It was a good reminder not to carelessly put that something extra in my cart that I often walk out with.

Sunday, December 25, 2005

feliz navidad

Si usted es alguien quien puede entender lo que estas leyendo, entonces esto es justo para ti! Estoy sentada aqui sola en la oficina de mis suegros, pero hay mucha emocion al otro lado de la puerta. Hemos comido, compartido, y hemos hechado bastante ruido al curso de la noche. Pero cada vez que me encuentro en estas situaciones, siempre me doy cuenta que hay algo que falta....ustedes, mi familia. No quiero estar mal entendida; doy gracias cada dia por la gente que Dios ha puesto en mi vida aqui en esta tierra extranjera. Cada dia lo estoy apreciando mas. Tengo un esposo quien me ama infinitamente y dos hijos quien me inspiren a vivir con un intento profundo. Tenemos amigos fieles de quienes soy increiblemente orgullosa. Dios me ha bendicido en maneras que nunca podre describir. Despues de haberlo dicho, tambien dire que nunca seran reemplazados. Nunca. Es increible pensar que la capacidad de amar a otros crece con cada persona que entra a la vida. Les extrano mucho, y deseo haber podido compartir estos tiempos con ustedes. Pero el tiempo esta a punto de asomarse. El dia vendra que estaremos juntos otra vez. Y hasta entonces, seguire orando por cada uno de los cuatro. Lo importante no tiene nada que ver con nosotros, sino en compartir el tremendo amor que conocemos con los que son mas desafortunados. Les amo mas que las palabras podran describir. Feliz Navidad...

from ours to yours

Saturday, December 24, 2005


"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him."

-John 3:16-17

Friday, December 23, 2005

hello mr. winston

My husband just surprised me tonight with a beautiful gift, exquisite and multifaceted in an element all its own. And while there may very well have been a Harry in the audience, I am referring to having the pleasure of seeing George Winston in concert. He is hands down one of my top two favorite current pianists of our time.

It all began after rushing out of rehearsal for tomorrow's service down to Orchestra Hall in the cities. Not even having time to stop anywhere for a quick bite to eat, our elegant evening kicked itself off in the McDonalds drive thru. This was followed by a realization that Peter had forgotten his change of clothes in his car, therefore making my decision to change my attire one of compromise in our car/dressing room. These things, along with my husband's crazy sense of humor and many long laughs, set our evening up for perfection. And so, in we walked hand in hand in our jeans.

Good ol' George did not disappoint. As I had not yet seen him live, I was even more awe struck at this man's ability to make a Steinway Concert Grand sound more fabulous than I thought possible. It is as if the keys are simply an extension of his fingers, each willed to play with a brief brain signal. I was aware that Peter picked up on this same thing after he leaned over during one song featuring stride piano and said, "I know how he does it. He has eight fingers on each hand!" He is truly phenomenal. He also played a couple select numbers of slack key guitar, as well as one piece on the harmonica. It is a pleasant feeling to walk out of something with a greater appreciation than you had for it when walking in. So thank you, Mr. Winston, for a fantastic evening.

Even greater thanks to my husband for this wonderful gift. Thank you for supporting and sharing my passions and dreams in life; for sacrificially showing your love every day that goes by. And thanks, of course, for making me laugh the way you do; I have yet to meet someone that even comes close. It was, indeed, a perfect gift. I love you!

Saturday, December 10, 2005


Funny that I am following up my previous post with another blogging trend. More ironic than amusing, really. However, I have truly enjoyed reading all of my friends' response to this same thing, and so will delightfully comply.

I have been tagged by Katrina (not the hurricane). (= I must now list 5 things that few people know about me & then tag a max 5 more to follow suit. Here goes...

  • I still dream of becoming a classical composer along with a small handful of other things when I grow up; not a conductor, mind you. The closest I have come thus far is 12th grade AP Music...I have a long way to go. I am not sure whether or not I used to try and hide it, but I am proud to have a profound appreciation for the art (Mom, this is one of my childhood dreams).
  • I sliced my ring fingernail with a wire cutters as I was designing my window boxes a few weeks ago, and it is having a difficult time recovering. This makes for an unsightly holiday manicure. The only reason I write this is to say that I have a strange obsession with keeping my nails symmetrical at all times. This is quite a change from a younger e, most apparent if one were to compare my hands now to my hands during basketball season.
  • I, too, check my alarm a minimum of 2 times every time it is set. I do not understand this compulsivity as I rarely wake up to it anyways. I do not believe I have it in me to be timely. Latina de corazon, pero desafortunadamente no de sangre. No one here listens to that excuse.
  • I ain't scared to say I dance when no one is watching. How can you listen to Fruta Fresca, 25 Horas, 2 times...and not move to the beat? My boys are being trained well. Speaking of which, I love Mark Twain's quote on the subject: "Dance like nobody's watching; love like you've never been hurt. Sing like nobody's listening; live like it's heaven on earth." I'd like to think I try...
  • I dream in Spanglish. Enough said.

I believe I will try to extend this into the blogspot world to those who may be most inclined to respond. That being said, I tag Audra, Peter, Lori, and Elly. Happy tagging.

Disclaimer: same 3, just because.

Thursday, December 08, 2005


As I am writing, I still can't believe that I am doing so regarding such a topic. I decided to actually post one of these online for some abstract reason, and believe it will be the last. I agree with absolutely nothing aside from the fact that I am expressive. Who isn't?

Disclaimer: Brenton, Chad, and Chris - nothing personal.

Your Blog Should Be Purple
You're an expressive, offbeat blogger who tends to write about anything and everything.You tend to set blogging trends, and you're the most likely to write your own meme or survey.You are a bit distant though. Your blog is all about you - not what anyone else has to say.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

praise the king

It is quite a rarity that I would find myself posting in the latter half of the morning hours, but I must admit it feels good for a change. This morning finds the cold less harsh, the dark not as destitute, and the whispers to my heart palpable and more sincere...

Finding words to post has been something that has continued to elude me. I believe I have found it more important to direct my words towards others with an unequivocal intentionality than to write them here in this journal of sorts. And I will not feign; I still struggle through each day more so than is characteristic. I do believe, however, that amidst my small and seemingly unimportant hardships, He continues to teach me the process of worshipping with all that I am.

I was at the end of the Psalms the other day and came across Psalm 148. Ironically enough, or completely not what have you, I had just sung a song the previous week that was based on this. It is a song that I have been singing woven throughout the course of my thoughts, prayers, and dreams ever since.

No matter the times we find ourselves in, He never leaves us or forsakes us. He longs for us to feel the warmth of His embrace and the joy of His love. I must praise Him; I must continue the process of surrendering all that I am into His hands.