la vida es bella

"Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already been made perfect, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me...I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus." Phillippians 3:12-14

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Location: Twin Cities Metro, Minnesota, United States

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

10 minutes and counting...

Man. It has been a long couple of days. I couldn't even tell you why - it just has. Thanks to friends for encouragement, family for support, and to my hubby for letting me depart on random nightly furloughs when I am craving solitude, clarity, direction, a good cry, His voice, and pretty much anything in between.

And now, I shall meet my incredible mother in mere minutes. For those who are unaware, her oldest sister died Monday morning, and we were unsure of whether she would be able to make it up here until the last minute. For those of you who knew, thanks for praying, because the wheels are about to touch down...

Tuesday, June 20, 2006


Thought I should give a brief update on the World Cup...

So, because we lost today, I don't have much motivation left other than to say we lost. We were beat out by Germany, losing 3 goals to none. If you feel like looking at the stats, here is Ecuador's home page on ESPN...We will now play England - winner of Group B - on Sunday at 10:00 am CST. It should be a fun game to watch. Alas, the day is done. However, as down as I may sound, I am simply wiped out at the end of a great day. (= Peace.

¡feliz cumpleaños m'hijo!

My not-so-baby-anymore boy turns one today. I cannot fathom the flight of time as I look back to this day a year ago and recall with such clarity the very first time I knew he was ready to come into this world...

Jaden is my mommy's boy. It has changed a bit now that he can get around on his own, but I can still always count on him to want to cuddle at the drop of a hat. He has been so full of joy for his first year, and has made it quite easy to be a parent if I do say so myself. I will probably be eating my words on years 2, 3 & 4, and 5 - 18, as his mischievous side has not come out until very recently, but he truly brings so much sunshine to our lives! (= He loves to eat, cuddle, play with his big brother, eat, play peek-a-boo, swim, eat, and play ball...I am so thankful for this incredible gift.

I'm FINALLY a big boy, mom!...

...Did someone say "eat"?

Brotherly love...

...Goofball Corniea #3

Dreaming of eating...

Happy Birthday J! We love you!!!

dear mom...

Fun Fact: Did you know that by left-clicking on any picture posted on this blog, you can view it full size and even save it to disk to be printed out if you so chose?


Sunday, June 18, 2006

a father's many faces

I could not retire this day without writing a few lines of tribute to my husband and daddy of two amazing boys. And what better way than to capture just a few traits with pictures...

"Silly goose"...Our home is filled with joyous laughter because of you, and the boys can't help but pick up on the importance of experiencing true contentment in the shared smiles, giggles, and light hearted moments that you provide for them. You are teaching them that our Father in heaven has created each of them uniquely in His image, and that there is great freedom in being oneself...

"Proud Papa"...You teach them to live with a fearless spirit, but are the first one to pick them up when they have fallen. You are learning to love their passions right along side of them , even when you have finally given in to the fact that those may or may not include football (= (side note - this is Devin's first time bowling on Friday in which he happened to pick up a set of spares without using the bumper)...

"Loving Arms" - Your heart is unmistakable. The amount of passion inside of you is immeasurable. Anyone who knows you experiences it on some level; your sons experience it every day of their lives. They will always know that they have a place to belong, a place of shelter, a place of acceptance. They will always know forgiveness. They will always want to be held in your loving embrace. They are experiencing the Love who is Christ through their daddy, and will know that same Love the rest of their lives...

We love you and are blessed by you. Thank you, Father, for this father...

Thursday, June 15, 2006

"si se puede, si se puede..."

Not one, not two, but - count 'em - THREE goals just sealed the deal for Ecuador this morning against Costa Rica in the World Cup. Beautiful. A 3 - 0 win puts Ecuador in great standings to take the lead in Group A; the goal differencial rolls over to a simple tie with Germany on Tuesday to advance to the semi finals...I just got off the phone with my dad, and he said the streets are already packed with people beginning to celebrate at a mere 9:30 in the morning mark. Tuesday just so happens to be Jaden's big 1st bday, as well, so it would seem quite fitting for them both to reach the big ONE. Gotta love it!

Friday, June 09, 2006


We won our first partido against Poland this afternoon, 2-0! The team was looking good. My boys got a kick out of mom jumping up and down and screaming at the tv for 2 hours. A quote from an ESPN commentator immediately after the game: "Boy, would I like to be in Quito tonight! It is a great place to be for the party that has already started!" Hence my only qualm. Hopefully tomorrow finds me less embittered...(=