¡feliz cumpleaños m'hijo!
My not-so-baby-anymore boy turns one today. I cannot fathom the flight of time as I look back to this day a year ago and recall with such clarity the very first time I knew he was ready to come into this world...
Jaden is my mommy's boy. It has changed a bit now that he can get around on his own, but I can still always count on him to want to cuddle at the drop of a hat. He has been so full of joy for his first year, and has made it quite easy to be a parent if I do say so myself. I will probably be eating my words on years 2, 3 & 4, and 5 - 18, as his mischievous side has not come out until very recently, but he truly brings so much sunshine to our lives! (= He loves to eat, cuddle, play with his big brother, eat, play peek-a-boo, swim, eat, and play ball...I am so thankful for this incredible gift.

I'm FINALLY a big boy, mom!...

...Did someone say "eat"?
Happy Birthday J! We can't wait to celebrate with you tonight!
hi Jaden--- great picss--- I just have to get to the States to see you... happy birthday---love you -- grandpa
Happy Birthday! And that Fathers day post you did was awesome!
happy b-day Jaden! hope you had a fun birthday filled with all kinds of fun things to eat.
Happy Birthday J! We hope that you have just as much fun if not more throughuot this coming year! Love your smile! The Westrum's
Hi Jaden...Just a note to wish you a belated Feliz Cumpleanos! The pictures of you make me want to hop on the next flight to Minnesota! I love you, nieto!
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